About this blog

This Pipelines OZ blog is a forum for the exchange of ideas on Australia’s pipeline infrastructure.  Topics will be diverse – anything relating to pipeline engineering that I feel competent to comment on (and maybe some that I’m not).  There will be a bias towards technical aspects of pipeline engineering and particularly safety issues but it may occasionally wander into other relevant areas such as environmental matters and engineering philosophy.

I don’t want it to be a monologue, with me holding forth on various topics and deathly silence in response.  I look forward to your feedback, questions, comment, discussion, dialog – any contributions to the conversation, particularly from younger people in the industry.  I may or may not respond, but don’t let that stop you, just talk quietly among yourselves until I’m back.

If you’re an Australian pipeline engineer please keep an eye on Pipelines OZ.  On the home page there is a link you can use to sign up for automatic notifications of new posts.

There’s more about me personally here.

You can send me a private email message using the form below.